CEIP La DragaCEIP La DragaCEIP La DragaCEIP La DragaCEIP La DragaCEIP La DragaCEIP La DragaCEIP La DragaCEIP La Draga

Imágenes (9)

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Authors: Miguel A. Alonso del Val, Rufino J. Hernández Minguillón, Jorge Gambini Ons. CollaboratorsRoberto Erviti, Sebastián Fernández de Córdoba, Jordi Ciurana. Engineering: ED Enginyeria, Gerard Giró, Jordi CiuranaDeveloper: GISA. Completion Date: January 2006. Gross external area: 3,676 sqm. Photographer: Jorge Gambini Ons, Josep Curto.

Built just a few metres away from Banyoles Lake, on a narrow strip of land surrounded by two irrigation canals



Built just a few metres away from Banyoles Lake, on a narrow strip of land surrounded by two irrigation canals

This building is built just a few metres away from Banyoles Lake, on a narrow strip of land surrounded by two irrigation canals under open skies and close to an old big house deemed to be of patrimonial interest.The teaching block was installed in a linear building at the northern end of the plot, leaving a large tract of land at the southern end where there are the sports courts and games area in a unique space. The existing building contains its own administrative section, a library, and a dining area, a linear archway linking both buildings with a covered walkway.

The building is structured by means of a space between two supporting walls of 7.20 which defines its structure, its functional organisation, and its formal configuration. A lattice of fixed aluminium slats protects its rooms from solar radiation and filters the presence of the outside inside the rooms. The building aspires to be of a type that allows the lifestyles of its occupants to flow freely. Just like the surrounding countryside, the building is a scenario in itself, which, indifferent to the games the children play, returns their reflection, and notes the passing of time on its surfaces.

Urbarama, Mimoa & World Architecture Community

Digital publications


Urbarama, Mimoa & World Architecture Community

Urbarama. (Página consultada el 07 de julio de 2009). CEIP La Draga – La Draga Primary School [ES]. [On-line]. Dirección URL:http://es.urbarama.com/project/ceip-la-draga-la-draga-primary-school

Mimoa. (Página consultada el 15 de julio de 2009). La Draga Primary School. [On-line]. Dirección URL: http://www.mimoa.eu/projects/Spain/Banyoles/La%20Draga%20Primary%20School

World Architecture Community. (Página consultada en julio de 2009). La Draga Primary School [On-line]. Dirección URL: http://www.worldarchitecture.org/world-buildings/world-buildings-detail.asp?position=detail&country=Spain&no=5265

Project Brochure
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