Pérgola en Echavacoiz NortePérgola en Echavacoiz NortePérgola en Echavacoiz NortePérgola en Echavacoiz NortePérgola en Echavacoiz NortePérgola en Echavacoiz NortePérgola en Echavacoiz Norte

Imágenes (7)



Authors: Miguel A. Alonso de Val, Rufino J. Hernández Minguillón y Luis Salanueva González (Ingeniero). Collaborators: José Luis Resano, Javier Barcos, Manuel Enríquez, Susana Iturralde, Victor Hernández. Engineering: Urgein S.L. DeveloperAyuntamiento de Pamplona. Constructor:Construcciones Azpiroz y Saralegui S.A. Project DateEnero de 1992. Completion Date: Marzo de 1998. Built Surface: 40,450 m2. Photographer: José Manuel Cutillas - Proyectar y archivo ah. Awards:Premios COAVN 2001: Finalista Urbanización, Colegio Oficial Arquitectos Vasco-Navarro.



The urbanization responds to two basic objectives: to define areas of support, (infrastructures, pavements, etc.,) in an important residential area and to design a linear park, other border for the risen up city, which confirms its horizontal walkway character, supported at the edge of the cut by means of a prefabricated concrete wall, which clearly defines the boundaries between the walkway and natural embankment.

Conceived as a longitudinal piece in keeping with other historical layouts of the town such as Half Moon Park, its chief value lay in discovering a new landscape towards the south of the city, with three urban links which form singular points in their linear layout.

In the middle of the space, a galvanised steel and aluminium pergola flies over the pavement to create a shadow, and to suggest rest, and taking a look towards the far horizon of Cuenca de Pamplona.

Urbarama, Mimoa, World Architecture Community & + Mood

Digital publications


Urbarama, Mimoa, World Architecture Community & + Mood

Urbarama. (Página consultada el 09 de julio de 2009). Pérgola. Parque de Echavacoiz Norte [ES]. [On-line]. Dirección URL:http://es.urbarama.com/project/pergola-parque-de-echavacoiz-norte

Mimoa. (Página consultada el 14 de julio de 2009). Parque Echavacoiz Norte Pergola. [On-line]. Dirección URL: http://www.mimoa.eu/projects/Spain/Pamplona/Parque%20Echavacoiz%20Norte%20Pergola

World Architecture Community. (Página consultada en julio de 2009). Pérgola. Echavacoiz Norte. [On-line]. Dirección URL: http://www.worldarchitecture.org/world-buildings/world-buildings-detail.asp?position=detail&country=Spain&no=5249

+ Mood. (Página consultada el 17 de diciembre de 2011). Pergola in Echavacoiz Norte. [On-line]. http://plusmood.com/2011/12/pergola-in-echavacoiz-norte-ah-asociados/