22 Viviendas en Egüés22 Viviendas en Egüés22 Viviendas en Egüés

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Authors: Miguel A. Alonso del Val, Rufino J. Hernández Minguillón. CollaboratorsMikel Zabalza, Ruth Marín. Technical Architects: Miguel Prieto Leache, Francisco J. Orbáiz Lesaca. Engineering: GE & Asociados. Developer: Artaichena, S.L., Construcciones Azpiroz y Saralegui S.L., Promociones Anchoriz S.L. y Lesaca González S.L. Contractor: ACR. Project Date: October 2004. Completion Date: February 2008. Photographer: José Manuel Cutillas - Proyectar.


The house opens with large holes to the garden, controlling its dimension to the road, to preserve the privacy of the user



The house opens with large holes to the garden, controlling its dimension to the road, to preserve the privacy of the user

The residential properties completed in Egüés in January 2008 have been designed as a single unitary body, a unit. This unitary character has been achieved using clear and concise volumes and exposed brick on the exteriors. This idea is reinforced by the fact that the entire unit shares the same garage parking area, which constitutes an integrating element and provides the ‘foundation’ or base for the construction of the properties, which in the rest of their constitution do not at any time lose their character as individual family houses. Furthermore, the use of exposed brick and single layer coating, which identify the constructions that are being developed in this sector, has been a key factor.


Digital publications



Mimoa. (Página consultada el 02 de junio de 2011). 22 Residential properties in Egüés. [On-line]. Dirección URL: http://www.mimoa.eu/projects/Spain/Eg%FC%E9s/22%20Residential%20properties%20in%20Eg%FC%E9s