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Authors: Miguel A. Alonso del Val, Rufino J. Hernández Minguillón, Álvaro Cerezo Ibarrondo. Collaborators: Aitor Ibáñez, Martín M. Jiménez, María Bascones, Dámaris Vaquero, Mikel Escajedo, Adelaida Barreiro. Technical Architects: Michel Aldaz García-Mina, Ana Moral García, Sergio Areilza Eceiza. Developer: Departamento de Educación de Gobierno Vasco. Constructor: Grupo San José-EBA, S.L. Project Date2004. Completion Date: 2006. Gross external area: 6,621 sqm. Photographer: José Manuel Cutillas - Proyectar.

Rectangular, diaphanous, legible spaces of easy circulation, which allows an alternative use for each of them



Rectangular, diaphanous, legible spaces of easy circulation, which allows an alternative use for each of them

This project has been developed with a view to providing a suitable response to the needs and objectives outlined. Therefore, systems have been chosen that allow for simple execution whilst at the same time adapting to the urban conditions of the plot of land and the necessary differentiation between the different school cycles.

The building is structured according to the different school levels (Infants: aged 2-5, Primary: aged 6-11) and groups of activities (administrative area, sport area, services and facilities). Hence, the building is divided into two sections, creating an L shape, corresponding to each school cycle, which are joined by a transversal section that acts as a joint and, at the same time, leads out onto two playgrounds: one interior patio area (infants) and another that leads out onto the sports courts (primary).

The architectural design and layout of the spaces is based on the spatial and organisational characteristics inherent to these kinds of building. Hence, the layout and use of legible, rectangular and open spaces is clear, allowing for easy movement and an alternative use for each of the spaces. The structuring and joining of these spaces through the sub-division and/or addition of 7.2x7.2 m modules affords great internal flexibility and makes it possible to undertake reforms in a simple way, in accordance with the requirements set forth. Similarly, the building has been designed in such a way that it can be extended in the future towards the sports courts or existing outdoor areas, following the modular structure and architectural composition of the existing project.

Temas de Arquitectura & Arquitectura de Fachadas Ligeras

Digital publications


Temas de Arquitectura & Arquitectura de Fachadas Ligeras

  • Temas de Arquitectura: Arquitectura Escolar III, p.192-207
  • AFL nº 01, p. 56-69