Parketxe ArantzazuParketxe ArantzazuParketxe ArantzazuParketxe ArantzazuParketxe ArantzazuParketxe ArantzazuParketxe ArantzazuParketxe ArantzazuParketxe Arantzazu

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Authors: Miguel A. Alonso del Val, Rufino J. Hernández Minguillón, Marcos Escartín Miguel, Mikel Zabalza Zamarbide. Collaborators: Valvanera Escobés Eiriz, Juan Biain Ugarte, Mateo García Gutiérrez, Marta Muga Campo, Ane Zabala Madinagoitia. Technical Architects: Michel Aldaz García-Mina, Susana Ruiz de Galarreta, Jose Luis Mendivil Ochoa (ED Ingeniería). Engineering: Javier Gironés Navarlaz, Javier Oteo Jiménez, Victor Bernal Burriel, Daniel San Emeterio, Eduardo Ozcoidi Echarren (ED Ingeniería). Developer: Ayuntamiento de Oñati (financiado por la Diputación de Gipuzkoa). Contractor: Construcciones Ugarte. Project date: April 2009. Completion date: June 2010. Gross external area: 1535 sqm. Photography: José Manuel Cutillas - Proyectar.

An excavated space that is drilled with hollows oriented to the views and is qualified with horizontal cracks



An excavated space that is drilled with hollows oriented to the views and is qualified with horizontal cracks

The Parketxe or Interpretation Center of the Aizkorri-Aratz Natural Park is located inside the Cultural Center "Gandiaga Topagunea".

Respecting the stone design of the whole, it is designed as an excavated space that is drilled with holes oriented to the views and is marked with pronounced horizontal cracks that provide the illumination to the interior routes.

The main access is in the central road, underneath the bridge that unites the two buildings of the Cultural Center. A glass gate defines the reception space as an open space to the exterior that contains information and general services, while serving as a presentation of the exhibition concept that is developed in the upper floors.

Through a staircase carved in stone, one can access the exhibition space, conceived as an excavated box, which is deployed in geological tours through compressed and dark spaces that finally open to a large central space where the natural park, its geography and its images , are protagonists.

On one side of this double height rises the ladder as a sculptural element that gives continuity to the discourse on human action in nature through work in the forest and grazing to give access to the space called "forest of people" as a labyrinth of 14 abstract elements representing search human attitudes.

This space serves as an articulation with the future exhibition space destined to the culture and maintains in the building the axis of the human presence in Arantzazu. Finally, the visitor can access, on the next floor, the path adapted to start a walk outdoors in the Natural Park.

The intervention maintains the idea of formal austerity and spatial wealth based on the articulation of areas that preside over the intervention in the place, to put in value the elements of the Natural Park of Aizkorri-Aratz within the architectural set of Arantzazu.

Urbarama, Sólo Arquitectura & Europaconcorsi

Digital publications


Urbarama, Sólo Arquitectura & Europaconcorsi

Urbarama (Página consultada el 12 de mayo de 2011). Parketxe – Centro de Interpretación de la Naturaleza [ES]. [On-line]. Dirección URL:

Sólo Arquitectura. (Página consultada en Mayo de 2011). Parketxe: Centro de Interpretación de la Naturaleza. [On-line]. Dirección URL:

Europa Concorsi. (Página consultada el 16 de diciembre de 2011). Centro de Interpretación de la Naturaleza - Parketxe [On-line]. Dirección URL: