90 Viviendas en Vicálvaro

Imágenes (1)

Basic volumetry in which a subtraction is applied with which to respond, at the same time, to the morphology of open block and that of closed block



Basic volumetry in which a subtraction is applied with which to respond, at the same time, to the morphology of open block and that of closed block

In response to the functional requirements of the program and to the urban planning parameters of the plot, a basic volumetry has been drawn up -respectful to the area of ​​movement, alignments, number of floors, boundary plane and occupation factors of the plot-, on which elementary operations of subtraction have been realized with which to respond, at the same time, to the morphology of open block and that of closed block.

Using all the building depth of 14.50 meters, there are 7 parallel pillars in which are incorporated the housing units belonging to an open and versatile system that allows to include typological varieties within a stable structure of communications and services.

The built elements thus, respond to a clear desire to economize resources in their configuration, and also are a bioclimatic response by giving priority to double orientation to favor cross-ventilation of houses, as well as the incorporation of protection and solar regulation or active and passive systems of sustainable environmental.