



The Department of Research, Technological Development and Innovation of ah asociados has been created to develop projects in the area of the urbanism, the architecture and the construction that generate an value added or represent technological advances in the products and services. We expect to offer constructive innovative and competitive solutions, with activities based on the knowledge and the information across the tasks that includes the following lines of action: materials and constructive systems, energy and environment and urbanism.

Urban innovation and mobility

Urban innovation and mobility


Urban innovation and mobility

  • Previous studies in urban and outlying areas of particular characteristics that go from basic structure to the design of different urban spaces.
  • Urban designs in those particular interventions that, due to the usual time restrictions, it is complicated to develop researches on them.
Materials and Building Systems

Materials and Building Systems


Materials and Building Systems

The Material and Building Systems Research Area has the aim of developing applied projects in order to offer more efficient constructive processes, innovative solutions, multifunctional products and competitive services, including an improvement in quality of life and in sustainability.

Energy and Environment

Energy and Environment


Energy and Environment

The Energy and Environment Research Area has the aim of reducing the energy consumption in buildings, improving the use of resources and reducing the environmental impacts, benefiting quality of life, safety, health and confort of users and also of society in general.

Building design

Building design


Building design

The Building Design Research Area seeks the integration of innovative construction processes and systems towards the global improvement of working methods and results of the Construction sector from all points of view, including any location or building typology.





Today, the potential for improvement through ICTs in construction are more inmedite than those derivated from purely industrial processes. However, its degree of penetration in this sector is not structural and, at the moment, it is limited to restricted fields. Therefore, its growing capacity and its real application are still under development.

2007-2013 FEDER Program

2007-2013 FEDER Program


2007-2013 FEDER Program

FEDER Program 2014-2020

FEDER Program 2014-2020


FEDER Program 2014-2020

This company has received a grant that has been 50% co-financed by the Government of Navarra and the European Regional Development Fund through the 2014-2020 ERDF Operational Programme of Navarra

Enpresa honek laguntza bat jaso du, erdi bana (%50) finantzatu dutena Nafarroako Gobernuak eta Eskualde Garapeneko Europako Funtsak, Nafarroako EGEF 2014-2020 Programa Eragilearen bidez.

2014-2020 FEDER Program

2014-2020 FEDER Program


2014-2020 FEDER Program

Joint internationalization of Navarre companies 2022

Joint internationalization of Navarre companies 2022


Joint internationalization of Navarre companies 2022

Joint internationalization of Navarre companies 2023

Joint internationalization of Navarre companies 2023


Joint internationalization of Navarre companies 2023