CEP Salburua LHICEP Salburua LHICEP Salburua LHICEP Salburua LHICEP Salburua LHICEP Salburua LHI

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Authors: Miguel A. Alonso de Val, Rufino J. Hernández Minguillón, Álvaro Cerezo Ibarrondo. Collaborators: Aitor Ibáñez Hilario, Iñaki Anasagasti Echeita, Mª Jesús Torres Blanco, Javier Moreno Escorza, Martín M. Jiménez Vega, Raquel de Paz Gutiérrez, Miguel A. Maestre Iglesias. Technical Architects: Michel Aldaz García-Mina, Ana Moral García, Sergio Areilza Eceiza. Engineering: Indotec. Developer: Departamento de Educación de Gobierno Vasco. ConstructorAntzibar Construcciones, S.A. Gross external area: 6.115 sqm. Project date: June 2009. Completion date: Dicember 2010. Photography: José Manuel Cutillas Medina.

The contrast between the horizontal ripped holes of the upper floors and those of the ground floor grants great richness to the building



The contrast between the horizontal ripped holes of the upper floors and those of the ground floor grants great richness to the building

The intervention develops a building for 18 classrooms of primary and 12 of children with its corresponding outer play areas. The layout of the volumes in the plot allows to obtain a greater use of surface for patios. To the north, a single sloped roof gives unity to the building.

The contrast between the horizontal ripped holes of the tall plants and the variety of those on the ground floor gives a richness to the image of the building while providing a scale closer to its future users. To the south is the outer covered court, a body dressed in a translucent skin that acts as a night lamp.

The architectural and functional design of the spaces is based on the characteristics of this type of buildings. The use of a frame of 7.2x7.2 m. it generates readable, rectangular, diaphanous and flexible spaces that allow to approach actions of reform and extension.